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Obsidian Art Gallery

venue addressObsidian Art Layby Farm (The Bucks Goat Centre) Old Risborough Road Stoke Mandeville Buckinghamshire HP22 5XJ
event date
event timesFREE ENTRY.

Open Tuesday - Saturdays 10am to 4pm
Sundays 12noon to 4pm
Closed Mondays & Bank Holidays
telephone 01296612150 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Obsidian Art Gallery

Obsidian Art is an art gallery based in Stoke Mandeville in Buckinghamshire. Established in 2002, we host a rolling programme of exhibitions, some themed and some group, plus invited solo shows by some of our favourite artists. These exhibitions are accompanied by an ongoing display of designer-maker craft - jewellery, ceramics, glass and more.

We show work by a broad range of selected UK-based artists and makers with an aim of showing some of the best in art and craft. We also always have some of the best local artists on show.