About this Event
Dunton Community Garden
Dunton Community Garden is about 2 acres worked on organic gardening principles & run as a charity by volunteers.
The garden is open dawn to dusk every day for visitors. There are usually volunteers working there on Wednesday mornings.
We hold coffee mornings & events to provide a community gathering point, sell produce & enjoy the surroundings. Look for event listings on WhereCanWeGo.
The official access to the garden is via the bridle path off the Cambridge Road.
Disabled visitors & visitors on event days may take a short cut through Church Farm at the end of Church Street (to the left of the March Hare Pub, signs up on the day). The polytunnel and garden entrance is on the left.
Note: Recently installed rubber matting makes access for wheeled mobility aids/wheelchairs easier.
Cyclists welcome. Water bottles can be refilled.
For children, there’s lots to explore. A black toy box is usually available under the covered area near the buildings. Please tidy up after use. Thank