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Treak Cliff Cavern: Home of Blue John Stone, Castleton, Derbys S33 8WP

venue addressTreak Cliff Cavern, Buxton Road, Castleton, Hope Valley, Derbyshire S33 8WP
event date
event timesOpen every day throughout the year , except Christmas Day (weather permitting, although this is usually only heavy snow!)
1st March to 31st October, Open 10am Last entry starts 4pm.
1st Nov to 28th Feb, Open 10am Last entry 3pm.
Tours should be booked online via our website www.bluejohnstone.com to guarantee entry, as Walk In visitors may be turned away if we are full.
2020 prices: Adults (18yrs+) £12.50, Young Person (16 -17yrs) £8.75, Child 5 to 15yrs £6, Child Under 5yrs no charge.
telephone +44433620571 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Treak Cliff Cavern: Home of Blue John Stone, Castleton, Derbys S33 8WP

An Underground Wonderland of rocks, minerals and fossils. See the largest deposits of the unique mineral Blue John Stone still in situ, and the finest stalactites in the Peak District.
Discover more in the Visitor Centre at the cavern Entrance.
Marvel at the collections of rocks and ornamental Blue John in the museum.
See real fossils and rocks in the displays.
Polish your own piece of Blue John Stone in the work shop (Not available until August or Sept)
Marvel at crystals and minerals from all over the world in the retail shop.

Visits to the Cavern are Self-Guided Audio Tours using YOUR OWN smartphone or tablet, by downloading an App which uses information delivered via Blue tooth beacons.

Carols By Candlelight December weekends; advance bookings only, This is yet to be confirmed for 2020 due to Social Distancing regulations in force at present.