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The Sussex Guild Shop & Gallery

The Sussex Guild Shop & Gallery are delighted to announce that in line with Government advice, the Shop is now open with a wide variety of work on show and lots of exciting new pieces to see.
The shop is staffed by our team of Guild members who are knowledgeable about the work on show. We hope you will support us to make your visit as enjoyable and safe as possible. Therefore, we are following government protocol; we are asking visitors to use the hand sanitation provided, not to handle goods unless buying and to progress in a one-way system. There could also be some restriction on numbers which may require waiting in the beautiful Southover Gardens. We hope you will be understanding concerning these measures.
Please see https://www.thesussexguild.co.uk/the-sussex-guild-shop/ where you will find our latest work as an “Online Shop & Gallery”. Also see @SussexGuild.Shop on Instagram and on Facebook.
event date
venue addressThe Sussex Guild Shop & Gallery, Southover Road, East Sussex BN7 1TP
event timesOpen every day except Christmas Day from 10.00 to 17.00.
telephone 01273479565 for latest times or cancellations.
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