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Puss in Boots - A Show for the Whole Family

Puss in Boots - A Show for the Whole Family

venue addressLilian Bayliss Studio, Sadler’s Wells, London EC1R 4TN
event dateMonday 14 April and Tuesday 15 April
event timesPerformance Dates and Times

14 April 1:30pm and 3:30pm
15 April 11:00am, 1:30pm and 3:30pm

Price Information: £17 and £15
telephone 02082654634 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Puss in Boots - A Show for the Whole Family

A Show for the Whole Family!

Based on the original version by Charles Perrault, the Let’s All Dance Ballet Company brings a new version of Puss in Boots about a friendship between a magical cat and a young man with a talent for music. With Puss’ help, the man finds the confidence to use his talent and to be himself, winning the heart of the Princess, her mother the Queen, and the rather snooty Marquis de Carabas.

Treat your children to the magic of live, professional dance and fire their imaginations with this
lovely new show for the whole family!

Suitable for all, especially 2-14 year olds, including those with special needs.

Running time: 40 minutes + photo opportunity.