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The Three Towns present ’Die Fledermaus’ - A Musical Comedy

The Three Towns present 'Die Fledermaus' - A Musical Comedy

In glittering Vienna Prince Orlofsky's Ball is the scene of a hilarious story of romance, intrigue, disguise and mistaken identity set to the sparkling romantic melodies of Johann Strauss.
All of Viennese high society is going to Prince Orlofsky’s Ball. They just don’t want each other to know this. Eisenstein should be going to prison so he’s keeping a low profile. For obvious reasons his wife and her lover Alfred are also keen to conceal their identities. Their maid Adele should be tending to her sick aunt, not partying.

Eisenstein’s best friend Falke is plotting revenge on him for pushing him into a fountain
costumed as a bat and abandoning him, exposing him to ridicule. By the end of the night all masks will be lifted, identities will be known and truths will be revealed.

Music by Johann Strauss II. Adaptation by Phil Park and Ronald Hanmer.
This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Music Theatre International
on behalf of Josef Weinberger Ltd. www.mtishows.co.uk
event dateTue 13 May to Saturday 17 May
venue addressSt. Joseph’s Hall, Chapel Street, Leigh, Manchester WN7 2PR
event times7.30pm
Tickets: £14 & £17 Concessions available
01942 605369
and online at www.thethreetowns.net
telephone 01942 605369 for latest times or cancellations.
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