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The Bogathlon a sprint triathlon ( time trial)

venue addressWaen Rhydd Bog , Llanwrtyd Wells, Powys LD5 4RB
event dateSaturday 24 Aug 2024
event timesRace starts at 11.00 am
Cost for the full event Seniors £15.00
Juniors 14/15s £12.00
telephone 07856 357754 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

The Bogathlon a sprint triathlon ( time trial)

The Bogathlon ( Sprint Triathlon)
This event is for athletes of ages from 14 yrs and up.
This is a chance for those of you who have always fancied trying the triathlon but do not have enough time to do all the distance training required.
This will be on a time trial basis with competitors starting at 3 minute intervals.
First leg the Bog swim ( not snorkel) over 60 yards.
Then to transition to the bike section of approx 2 miles.This is off road and mostly on trail with some grass sections plus a water hazard to negotiate.
Back to transition and on to the run which is seriously cross country with a certain amount of water hazard.
To the finish.
Obviously fastest wins
Categories juniors 14/15 yrs trophies for 1st M and 1st F
Open ( all ages) trophies for 1st F and 1st M
Over 50s trophies 1st M and 1st F
entries at www.green-events.co.uk or on the day
International competitor 1st
Best costume 1st
This should be both challenging and fun.
This is a Past Event and has been archived.

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