About this Event
Rude Health World Bogsnorkelling Championships
This may seem frivolous but it is in fact a challenging event.
The winner will be the fastest person to snorkel two 60 yd lengths of the infamous bog.
This involves wearing a facemask or goggles, flippers , you would also need to breathe through the snorkel tube whilst progressing face down in the water.
No arm stroke is permitted apart from doggy paddle , at no times should arms appear above the water except at the turning posts.
This person will then be crowned The Rude Health World Champion Bogsnorkeller for 2023.
Previously this title has been held by both Female and Male contestants .
Present record holder Neil Rutter 1 min 12.34 secs
There are various other categories for which trophies will be presented.
Male /Female
Junior 14 to 16 yrs
Over 50's
Within the event there is also a category for costume and this is keenly contested.
There are several refreshment stalls including a bar plus live music
Open to all over the age of 14 yrs.
Present record time 1 min 18.83 secs in 2018
Also at the event BBQ , Bar , Live Music , various refreshment stalls etc.