History On Wheels Museum Open Day
Sunday March 30th
Why not Bring Mum to a interesting day out
lots of local history plus vehicles used in film and TV productions. The Museum was first opened to the public in 1980, and as the name implies, within this Museum can be found a truly unique collection of MOTORS, both Military and Civilian, MILITARIA, from 1900 to the 1960's, from all conflicting Nations, and MEMORIES, illustrating artefacts of all types from both the civilian and wartime home
1982 Checker Taxi and 1981 Chevrolet Ambulance featured in Elton Johns Rocket Man Movie and
Vehicles used in the most recent Indiana 5 Dial of Destiny
All undercover and free parking
No pre booking needed just follow
Yellow Vehicle Museum signs on day
No booking needed free parking
Sorry no card payment facility
Bacs, PayPal, cash, only accepted Thank you
Open 10.00 - 17.00 for more details
Eton Wick,. SL4 6QY