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Information Lecture:  Help and Healing on the Spiritual Path

Information Lecture: Help and Healing on the Spiritual Path

Information Lecture: Help and Healing on the Spiritual Path through the teaching of Bruno Groening – medically documented.

Through the absorption of the divine power, many people are experiencing the healing of illnesses and pain, that have been declared as “incurable” by the medical profession. The words of Bruno Groening: “There is no incurable, God is the greatest physician,” has been proven and documented by independent physicians.
event dateSun 6 Apr, Sun 4 May
venue addressThe Open Door Community Centre 420 Morningside Road Edinburgh Edinburgh County EH10 5HY
event times3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

All interested people are welcome.
Admission is free, donations are accepted.
telephone 07583741776 for latest times or cancellations.
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