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Earth Spirit Events Spring Equinox Pagan Fayre

venue addressThe Charles Burrell Centre, Staniforth Road, Thetford, Norfolk IP24 3LH
event dateSaturday 25 Mar 2023
event times11 am till 4 pm
Entrance - £2
telephone 07734015219 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Earth Spirit Events Spring Equinox Pagan Fayre

Hail and welcome to the Thetford Earth Spirit Pagan Event
Whether you are a witch, druid, or shaman, old or new just starting on your spiritual path all are welcome.
We pride ourselves on having high-quality wares at our events many of the handcrafted goods are made by pagans that have a vast amount of experience and knowledge which they are happy to share.
During the day there will be free workshops for you to enjoy, you can book a reading or healing, and browse the many retail stalls.
Onsite Cafe

Blessings to you all!
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