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Absolute Beginners Ballroom - Waltz Course

venue addressKesgrave High School, Main Road, Kesgrave, Ipswich, Suffolk IP5 2PB
event dateMon 26 Feb to Monday 25 Mar 2024
event timesKesgrave High School - Monday Evenings
7.00 pm. - Practice/Social Time
7.15 pm. - Beginners Class - WALTZ
8.15 pm. - Practice/Social Time
8.30 pm. - Beginners Plus Class

Cost: £40.00 per person for the course (5 weeks). Places must be prebooked and payment made prior to the commencement of the course. Numbers are limited. Spaces currently available.
telephone 07946347167 for latest times or cancellations.
Organised by Danceasy
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About this Event

Absolute Beginners Ballroom - Waltz Course

Absolute beginners Waltz dance class over a period of 5 weeks.

Our ballroom dance classes are held in a number of centrally located venues in Suffolk during the week. As experienced ballroom dance teachers we are here to make your ballroom dancing classes fun and will break down all the steps and so in no time will have you dancing with confidence around the floor.

Our ballroom dance lessons are a fun activity and dances learnt can be useful for social events and special occasions, dancing is a very good exercise and a great way to interact with people. Couples, as well as singles, are welcome to join our ballroom dancing classes/lessons. Other classes held for the more advanced dancer.

We teach one dance over a number of weeks. This enables the beginner to 'get to grips' with one dance before entertaining another dance.
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