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LDGA Autumn Show - Saturday 14th September

venue addressFree Church Hall, Norton Way South, Letchworth, Hertfordshire SG6 1NX
event dateSaturday 14 Sep 2024
event timesStaging of exhibits - 8:30 to 11:15am
30p per exhibit for members
60p per exhibit for non-members

Show open to public - 2:00 to 4:30pm
Admission free
telephone 01438 727422 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

LDGA Autumn Show - Saturday 14th September

This is one the highlights of the year for Letchworth District Gardeners Association. A traditional village type show with displays of not just flowers, fruit and vegetables but also cookery, handicrafts and photography.

Both, members and non-members are welcome to enter exhibits; you don’t have to be an expert to join in. There is a trophy for best newcomer.

If you’re not exhibiting come along for a look round, there will be series of art and craft demonstrations and a produce stall. All this plus refreshments with home-made cakes and free admission for everyone makes it a great afternoon out.
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