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Meditation Course in Farnham: The Power of Positivity

Meditation Course in Farnham: The Power of Positivity

venue addressFarnham Maltings, Bridge Square, Farnham, Surrey GU9 7QR
event dateSaturday 23 Nov 2024
event times10.30am - 1.00pm
telephone 01189599133 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Meditation Course in Farnham: The Power of Positivity

Discover how the power of the mind creates your experiences and learn methods to transform your mental state from negative to positive through meditation.

Buddhist nun, Gen Nyingpo will explain how through practicing meditation and positive thinking, you can gradually gain the ability to maintain positive wisdom-based attitudes in your daily life and activities. In this way you can develop a fresh approach to solving your problems and create causes for lasting happiness.

Discover through the practical timeless wisdom of Buddhist meditation, how to apply positive thinking to your own life.

Everybody is welcome – no need for any previous experience of meditation.

There will be two, one-hour sessions of guided meditations and practical advice for a happy life.

There will also be opportunities to ask questions during the break and at the end of the session.

Everyone welcome and no experience of meditation is needed.

Gen Kelsang Nyingpo has a wealth of experience having been ordained as a Buddhist nun for over 25 years and taught for many years internationally. Her teachings are warm and inspiring and she understands the challenges people face in their lives, offering practical advice and solutions for the modern world.
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