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Wildlife Photography Course

venue addressAttenborough Nature Reserve, Barton Lane, Attenborough, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG9 6DY
event dateSunday 8 Dec 2024
event times9.30am - 12.30pm £50 Visit our website to book
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Wildlife Photography Course

Join Nottinghamshire wildlife photographer, Jack Perks, for a photography course at Attenborough Nature Reserve. Jack has been a professional photographer for 10 years working on series such as Springwatch, Countryfile and many more.

The course will begin in the nature garden, accessible through Attenborough Nature Centre, followed by a walk around the reserve. The workshop will focus on macro photography and you will have the chance to capture the array of birds, wildflowers and invertebrates found at Attenborough.

The workshop will finish in the café where you will have the opportunity to discuss and share your pictures with Jack. A hot drink and cake are included in the price of the booking. With 48-hours' notice, we can cater for most dietary and allergy needs.

Participants of all abilities are welcome and no previous experience is required. Please bring your own photography equipment.
This is a Past Event and has been archived.

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