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Willow plant supports workshop

This is the second willow workshop at Reach Village Hall, look out for more!

Suitable for beginners and those who have made with willow before. In this workshop you will learn techniques to make a practical and decorative plant support using two colours of willow, for the vegetable garden, or for climbing plants and flowers. Your choice!

Workshops are led by sculptor and weaver Jane Frost will provide you with a range of techniques to make baskets. Jane will take you through all the techniques necessary to make your piece and everyone will go home with a finished piece they can be proud of.

This workshop is suitable for complete beginners and those who have done willow weaving before. Maximum 8 places enable a really good learning experience. All tools and materials are supplied.

Jane has great experience teaching all age groups with a variety of needs. This workshop is suitable for everyone over the age of 13, children must be accompanied by a parent or carer at all times.

Additional things you might like to bring; Notebook, pens or pencil, Garden Wire, Scissors and String, Sharp Knife – Stanley or Craft, Gardening gloves.


You will need to have a reasonable amount of strength and dexterity in your hands to be able to work with the willow.

Please wear older, warm clothes, such as you would wear for gardening, sandals are not advisable!

Please bring a packed lunch, snacks, and drinks with you.
Saturday February 18th, 10a.m. – 4p.m. at Reach Village Hall

£75 per person. All materials and tools supplied
Reach Village Hall, Fair Green, Reach, Cambridgeshire CB25 0JD
Sat 18 Feb 2023
This is a Past Event and has been archived.

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