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Baby Broadway family concert | Blackheath

venue addressMycenae House, 90 Mycenae Road, Blackheath, London SE3 7SE
event dateSaturday 22 March
event timesSaturday 22nd March, 11am
Mycenae House, 90 Mycenae Road, Blackheath, SE3 7SE
Adults £13.50, kids over 1 £2, babies under 12m free
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Baby Broadway family concert | Blackheath

“Tip-top show tunes that worm their way into ears of all ages” - Time Out London

“Absolutely brilliant. Actually entertaining for adults and simply magical for the kids.” @daddyshortlegs

Get ready for an interactive experience where the entire family can sing and dance along to tunes from classic musicals and films, performed by West End singers.

Little ones will delight in the bubbles, charming puppets, lively actions and dance moves to copy, whilst grown ups indulge in a delightful singalong. Concerts last 45 minutes, open to all ages 0+ (recommended up to age 7 and their grown ups).

Visit the Baby Broadway website for more information www.babybroadway.co.uk

Open to all ages from new-borns to school age to grandparents, concerts last approximately 45 minutes, doors open 15 minutes before start time.

Visit the Baby Broadway website for more information www.babybroadway.co.uk