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Diabetes, ethnic minority groups and COVID-19: an inevitable storm

venue addressLeicester Museum and Gallery, New Walk, Leicester, Leicestershire LE1 7EA
event dateMonday 6 Feb 2023
event times7.30pm Monday 6 February. Please note this lecture was originally scheduled for 9 January.

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About this Event

Diabetes, ethnic minority groups and COVID-19: an inevitable storm

A Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society lecture.

Professor Kamlesh Khunti, CBE, FRCGP, FMedSci, Professor of Primary Care Diabetes & Vascular Medicine, University of Leicester, has led a programme of work during the COVID-19 pandemic and is a member of UK Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) and Chair of the SAGE Ethnicity Sub-panel.

The risk of Type 2 diabetes is two to four-fold higher in ethnic minority populations compared to white populations and is also associated with increased risk of certain macrovascular and microvascular complications. Additionally, Type 2 has an earlier onset in ethnic minority groups, occurring 10-12 years earlier. The exact reasons for the higher prevalence are unclear but include the complex interplay of biological, lifestyle, environmental and socioeconomic factors.

Major ethnic disparities in diabetes care in US and were evident prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed these pre-pandemic health disparities for ethnic minority populations with diabetes. The exact reasons for higher risk of COVID-19 in minority ethnic groups are also complex and include comorbidities, risk factor control, exposure to risk, deprivation and access to care including wider structural issues. As we now plan for recovery, it is imperative that those delivering diabetes care urgently address the disproportionate impact the pandemic has had on ethnic minority populations. Reducing these inequalities will require a greater understanding of the causes.
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