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Film Making Residential Summer 2023 For students aged 12-15 &16-18 yrs

venue addressThe Garden House High Street St Martin’s, Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 2LP
event dateSun 6 Aug to Friday 11 Aug 2023
event timesCost £775.00 includes all activities, equipment, accommodation and meals
telephone 01604407771 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Film Making Residential Summer 2023 For students aged 12-15 &16-18 yrs

Make a film from start to finish in 5 days!
Whether you’re interested in being in front of or behind the camera our Film School will give you an insight into the exciting world of Film and TV.
Learn how to act to camera, write, produce, direct and shoot a film using professional, broadcast quality, filmmaking equipment.
Teamwork is the key and at UK Film School we encourage students to communicate, collaborate and share responsibilities. Our innovative approach is to treat the group as a professional film crew from the outset.
In the evenings students can experience a range of film related and social activities including a SFX make up workshop, editing workshop and classic film night.
Garden House in the historic market town of Stamford is a fantastic location conveniently situated in the heart of England and only 1 hour by train from London's King's Cross Station. Our base has plenty of interesting locations for filmmaking.
We are an Approved Activity Provider, and have been running popular DofE Approved Residential’s for over 10 years.
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