About this Event
Net Zero - how can Science help Policy?
Net Zero – How Can Science Help Policy? Professor Paul Monks, Chief Scientific Adviser, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy will give the first Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society lecture of 2023, sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Achieving Net Zero emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050 requires a transformation in the entire economy. In his talk, Professor Monks will look at the basis for Net Zero and the challenges for both science and policy in planning a strategy for achieving it. He will also show that a systems of systems approach is necessary to deliver Net Zero in time and cost effectively.
Prior to joining the department, Professor Paul Monks was Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Head of College of Science and Engineering at the University of Leicester, where he continues as Professor in Atmospheric Chemistry and Earth Observation Science. One of his many roles with the BEIS is advising on current and ongoing issues faced by UK businesses and industry, focusing on the critical role of science in supporting a sustainable and resilient Net Zero, and the challenges of delivering national and global decarbonisation to ultimately reduce global warming.