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The Arts Society Ashdown Forest lecture by Mark Meredith

venue addressCrowborough Community Centre Pine Grove East Sussex TN6 1FE
event dateThursday 9 Feb 2023
event times2pm.
Members free Visitors £6
telephone 07773787422 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

The Arts Society Ashdown Forest lecture by Mark Meredith

“When Winters Were Wonderful: Life and Leisure in the Canada of YesterYear”
For the officers of the British Empire, “no quarters in the world were as delightful as Quebec” and it was in winter that the Canadian social season sprang to life. Crisp, moonlit nights provided a perfect backdrop for midnight sleigh rides between country taverns ladling out hot punch; torch-lit walks on snow-shoes to picnics under frozen waterfalls; balls and champagne-suppers on ice; daring toboggan runs; and, faux battles fought with fireworks between ice castles lit up by fire.
Mark is a writer, and lectures regularly at societies, festivals and clubs in both Europe and the United States.
After leaving school, Mark worked for twenty years as a plumber in London. However, his real passion has always been for history, particularly the history behind houses through the characters that conjoin to create them.
Come along to the Crowborough Community Centre for the lecture and refreshments afterwards.
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