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Tai Chi for Beginners - Rossendale

venue addressAdrenaline Centre, Helmshore Road, Haslingden, Rossendale, Lancashire BB4 4DN
event dateMon 13 Jan to Monday 10 March
event times1pm to 2pm
Contact the centre for prices and concessions
open to non-members - you can pay on the door
Booking app also available
telephone 01706227016 for latest times or cancellations.
Organised by Lighthouse Tai Chi®
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About this Event

Tai Chi for Beginners - Rossendale

A weekly tai chi session for everyone. Beginners always welcome. Join anytime

Lighthouse Tai Chi® instructors are friendly and professional with many years' experience of study and teaching.

Tai Chi & Qigong combines good posture with gentle, slow, controlled, relaxed movements and focussed breathing to strengthen the body, improve general health and provide a sense of well-being. Over time students find their joints and tendons are stronger, their balance improves and regular attendance provides a focussed way of dealing with stress.

Included in Rossendale Leisure, Activo and Up & Active memberships.
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