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Wild Exchanges

venue addressAttenborough Nature Reserve, Barton Lane, Attenborough, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG9 6DY
event dateWednesday 26 March
event times5.30pm - 9pm Free
telephone 0115 972 1777 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Wild Exchanges

Join us for our very first Wild Exchanges event. It will be a night of conversation on conservation that leads to meaningful change and pizza!

About the event
Join us for our very first Wild Exchanges! This event is a chance for local community groups, rewilding volunteers, and individuals to come together, share experiences, and help shape the future of conservation in our area. The event is free to attend but spaces are limited, so be sure to book your space to avoid missing out.

The evening will kick off with an open mic-style session where attendees can introduce themselves, share what they’re working on, and highlight areas where they need support or resources. Whether you're part of an organisation or simply passionate about nature, this is your opportunity to connect and discover how we can all contribute to protecting our environment. Spaces for the open mic are limited so please email wilder@nottswt.co.uk if you’d like a two-minute slot. We will have a handful of slots available for signing up on the night.

Following the introductions, we'll dive into thematic discussions and networking opportunities that will help set the stage for future events. Our friends at Broxtowe Green Umbrella will help facilitate these conversations. This is a safe and supportive space to exchange ideas, discuss challenges, and explore collaborative actions that we can take to restore and protect nature.

With a focus on community-building and action, we aim to create a space where attendees leave with tangible next steps and a sense of shared purpose.

Note this event is free to attend, but there is a charge for parking. See here for more information: Attenborough Car Parking | Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust.

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