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Royal Tales - Sutton Coldfield’s Storytelling Club

Royal Tales - Sutton Coldfield's Storytelling Club

venue addressStation Pub, 44 Station St, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands B73 6AT
event dateTue 25 Mar, Tue 29 Apr
event timesDoors 7pm, storytelling starts at 7:30pm. No entry charge, but please support the venue by buying drinks and food.
telephone 07783 601 747 for latest times or cancellations.
Organised by Traditional Arts Team
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About this Event

Royal Tales - Sutton Coldfield's Storytelling Club

Based on the art of oral storytelling, Royal Tales is a monthly meetup for storytellers to come and tell their tales in a relaxed place to share stories they are working on in a friendly atmosphere. Traditional stories are encouraged, but other stories are welcome.

If you want to come and sit and listen, you are welcome. All those who come along, please support the venue by buying drinks and food. More info on the Facebook group www.facebook.com/groups/613097720652168/