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Mediaeval and Tudor Entertainments in Leicester

venue addressLeicester Museum and Gallery, New Walk, Leicester, Leicestershire LE1 7EA
event dateMonday 6 Mar 2023
event times7.30pm, Monday 6 March 2023
Lit and Phil members free. (For membership benefits, see the Society's web page).
Visitors very welcome and may attend this lecture either in person or on Zoom - £5 (student non-members £3) by booking through EventBrite. Follow the tickets link below.
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About this Event

Mediaeval and Tudor Entertainments in Leicester

A Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society Lecture by Professor Kate Normington

The late medieval and early Tudor world was one where entertainment played a key role. This was also the case in Leicester where the Guildhall hosted visits by over 56 acting companies in the 16th century, including one which was associated with Shakespeare, meaning it was likely he visited Leicester. The late medieval world saw a host of entertainment from formal drama to informal parades, feasts and public punishment rituals. This talk will outline the range of performances that occurred and the function that they served for Leicester's citizens.

Professor Kate Normington is Vice-Chancellor of De Montfort University, and a Professor of Drama. Her research on the history of theatre and on contemporary theatre practice has been published widely.

The lecture is sponsored by De Montfort University.
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