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Climate Month – Shop well for the planet

venue addressJohn Peel Centre, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 1ET
event dateFriday 17 Mar 2023
event timesDoors open 6.30pm / Starts 7:00 pm

Price – Pay what you can afford – £3 / £5 / £10

Book online (fee applies) or call our Box Office on 01449 774678 (open 10am to 2pm weekdays).

Unallocated seating

Cashless bar.
Organised by Catastrophe Cat Cafe
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About this Event

Climate Month – Shop well for the planet

“We don’t need a handful of people doing sustainability perfectly: we need millions of people doing it imperfectly”.

Come and discuss what you can do imperfectly.

Screening of BBC production “Shop Well for the Planet”
Tips on how to live a greener lifestyle and save money from the Shop Well for Less and Eat Well for Less teams.

“In the same way some of us  still think eating healthily is more expensive, lots of us think going a bit greener is expensive too. I think it’s essential we show everyone that you can do both; not only be environmentally conscious but save money too.” – Chris Bavin, television presenter.

+ A talk by Bonitas Wholefoods about shopping local, local refill options and opportunities to make local sustainable choices. Followed by a Q & A session.

More information: www.stowmarketecofuturegroup.co.uk

Organised by Stowmarket Eco Future Group, hosted by John Peel Centre for Creative Arts, proudly supported by Stowmarket Town Council and the National Literacy Trust.
This is a Past Event and has been archived.

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