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Understanding the importance of soil health

venue addressLeicester Museum and Gallery, New Walk, Leicester, Leicestershire LE1 7EA
event dateMonday 20 Mar 2023
event times7:30pm
Members free. Non members £5; students £3.
Attendance is in person in the beautiful Victorian Gallery at Leicester Museum, or on Zoom - see Tickets link below for the options.
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About this Event

Understanding the importance of soil health

A Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society joint lecture (with the Society’s Natural History Section) will be given by Dr Felicity Crotty, Senior Lecturer in Soil Science and Ecology at the Royal Agricultural University.

Dr Crotty will provide an overview of the fascinating life found within the soil, how soil management changes the structure, chemistry and biology of the soil, and overall what this means for “soil health”. This talk will also include how changing land use and climate change will have an impact on healthy soils, maintaining food security and improving biodiversity.

Felicity Crotty has been researching soil biology and soil health for the last fifteen years focusing on understanding the linkage between sustainable agriculture and soil health, utilising her expertise within soil biology (earthworms, springtails, mites and nematodes) and how agriculture has an impact on this in relation to soil quality, physics and chemistry.
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