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Bach and Handel – what’s the difference?

venue addressLeicester Museum and Gallery, New Walk, Leicester, Leicestershire LE1 7EA
event dateMonday 24 Apr 2023
event times7:30pm
Members free.
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Bach and Handel – what’s the difference?

A Leicester Lit &. Phil Lecture by Professor John Butt, OBE, FRSE, FBA, Gardiner Professor of Music, University of Glasgow.

The two greatest composers of the early eighteenth century often engender their own devotees, but very little attention is given to what actually divides them. Given that the two come from very similar backgrounds, their careers went down radically different paths. At a technical level they inevitably share many characteristics, but the differences in mindset, musical hearing and narrative musical consciousness might well reveal much about the sheer breadth of early eighteenth-century thought – right on the cusp of the modern world.
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