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Memory Café - Spring Garden Party - Feltham

venue addressEdward Pauling House 1 Westmacott Drive Feltham London TW14 9RJ
event dateFriday 21 Apr 2023
event times11.00am to 1.00pm

FREE event hosted by Visiting Angels - South Middlesex and the London Borough of Hounslow
telephone 07707290907 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Memory Café - Spring Garden Party - Feltham

EVENT DATE: Friday 21st April 2023

TIME: 11:00-13:00

EVENT LOCATION: Edward Pauling House, 1 Westmacott Drive, Feltham, TW14 9RJ

EVENT FOCUS: A supportive & safe place where you can decompress, socialise, share stories and experiences. Find companionship and form friendships with others on a similar journey. Learn from professionals and improve quality of life for anyone affected by dementia.


11.00 Welcome attendees Health and safety orientation

?Informal introductions over refreshments
? (lots of teas, coffees, cakes and treats)

11.30 Dementia communication workshop Participation in variety of activities

?-Make your own fridge magnet
-bulb planting
-'Name that Smell' game
-Live background piano playing

12.30 More refreshments

13.00 Closing of the café
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