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Rock Choir Chingford

venue addressUnited Reform Church, 2B Buxton Road, London E4 7DP
event dateTue 25 Apr to Tuesday 20 Jun 2023
event times1.30pm
telephone 01252 714276 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Rock Choir Chingford

Whether you are a seasoned shower singer, a karaoke queen or a car pool karaoke king, we would love for you to come along and try a FREE taster session with us.

NO experience needed, NO audition, NO need to read music!

The membership has so much to offer alongside the fun weekly sessions, including exciting gig opportunities, vocal yoga, the opportunity to learn to sign the songs and lots of online sessions to support you on your new musical journey.

So if you want to try something new, make new friends and have lots of fun in the process, then sign up for a FREE taster and come and see what we are all about.

Book your free taster session here: rockchoir.com/join/
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