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Günther Förg. Tupfenbilder | How Do You Feel?

venue addressHauser & Wirth London 23 Savile Row London W1S 2ET
event dateSaturday 22 Apr 2023
event times10 am – 12 pm
telephone +44 (0) 2072872300 for latest times or cancellations.
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Günther Förg. Tupfenbilder | How Do You Feel?

Art has one job and that is to make people feel. So how do the Spot Paintings in ‘Günther Förg. Tupfenbilder’ make us feel?

Artist-convener Gaylene Gould’s How Do You Feel experience comes to Hauser & Wirth London, offering you a chance to explore your feelings whilst encountering Günther Förg’s playful works.

Like Förg’s own experiment, the event will allow a small group to explore ‘unlearning’ and play in their own lives through a series of facilitated mindful exercises involving movement, stillness, conversation and drawing. Inspired by phenomenology, you will have the time to notice the sensations, memories and imaginations that emerge when time is spent with the works. This playful session will leave you feeling more aware and connected to the works, each other and yourself. The bespoke experience will be facilitated by Gaylene Gould and Zaynab Bunsie.

Tickets for this event are free, however you will need to book your tickets in advance. If you are able, we encourage attendees to donate to our 2023 charity partner Brixton Soup Kitchen.
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