About this Event
The Green Week Celebration
In early June, Slavic folks celebrate the Green Week - a seasonal festival with rituals to boost nature’s fertility. It is also called the Rusalka (Mermaid) Week as at this time mermaids were believed to leave the water, swing on branches of birch trees and dance in circles. Our festive concert celebrates this ancient tradition: we will sing pagan Rusalka songs, village dance songs, Russian and Ukrainian folk songs about nature. We will also link to Russian urban life, with Orthodox chants and Art Songs performed by the choir and our soloists.
Tea and coffee with traditional home cooked snacks will be available thanks to the Sussex Russian Centre Kalinka.
Come and welcome the summer with us!
The Brighton & Hove and London Russian Choirs bring together music lovers of all backgrounds. We are not affiliated with any political, ideological or religious body. We promote culture, music, peace, unity and building bridges through singing.