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Glorious Gardens 2023 – Cossington Park

venue addressCossington Park, Cossington, Bridgwater, Somerset TA7 8LH
event dateThursday 20 Jul 2023
event timesThursday 20th July 2023, 12.00pm - 4.00pm.
Admission: £4.00
telephone 01935 709480 for latest times or cancellations.
Organised by St Margaret's Hospice
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Glorious Gardens 2023 – Cossington Park

As part of the annual Glorious Gardens on behalf of St. Margaret’s Hospice, the gardens at Cossington Park will be open to the public on Thursday 20th July 2023, 12.00pm - 4.00pm. Admission: £4.00

The extensive grounds of Cossington Park Estate in Somerset are a magical collection of spaces for any mood in every season.
Immerse yourself in the warm smell of ripening summer and autumn fruits, the gentle hum of the bees hard at work on the lavender, the enthusiastic performance of the many songbirds, or catch the silent swoop of a buzzard through an autumn mist. Be quiet, and you can imagine a glimpse of the white rabbit disappearing around a corner, late for an appointment.
Pause for a rest on the bench underneath the exotic Chinese Zelkova elm tree, imagining its silent witness of 200 years of Cossington life. Venture further, leaving voices and activity behind you, and let the breeze take you through the ancient woodland, the meadow alive with butterflies and swishing grasses, and the oh-so English orchard.

For further details phone Kerry Baillie on 01935 709480 or email events@st-margarets-hospice.org.uk
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