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SeedHeart - A magical children's show

venue addressGroundlings Theatre, 42 Kent Street, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO1 3BS
event dateWednesday 17 May 2023
event timesstarts at 11:00am to 13:00pm
adults+child: £12 | extra adult/child: £7.50
telephone 02392 737370 for latest times or cancellations.
Organised by Groundlings Theatre
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About this Event

SeedHeart - A magical children's show

A brand new solo show unfolding from a suitcase by Indigo Moon Theatre. Meet Grey. Our journey begins as Grey finds themself trapped inside a jar but can’t remember why.

They try to remember how they got there and how they could be free.

SeedHeart tells the important tale of human impact on the environment and questions what we can do to restore our once-green planet, with interactive chaos in the laboratory on the way!

Watch as our story unfolds (literally) from a single suitcase and follow Grey’s journey to a better future with magical pop-ups, puppetry, and interactive scenes.

Presented by Indigo Moon

BOX OFFICE: 02392 737370 | www.groundlings.co.uk

Groundlings Theatre, 42 Kent Street, Portsmouth, PO1 3BS
Groundlings Theatre is operated by The Groundlings Theatre Trust, a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), Charity No. 1186929.
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