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Songs for a Summer Night from Norwich's Phoenix Male Voice Choir

venue addressCromer Parish Church (St Peter & St Paul) Church Street Cromer Norfolk NR27 9HH
event dateSaturday 29 Jul 2023
event timesDoors open at 7.00pm with the concert starting at 7.30pm and expected to finish around 9.45pm.

Tickets (£8) are now on sale from the Choir's Website Box Office with admittance on the night for non-ticket holders from when doors open subject to capacity, all major debit and credit cards being accepted at the door.
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Songs for a Summer Night from Norwich's Phoenix Male Voice Choir

Norwich's Phoenix Male Voice Choir presents 'Songs for a Summer Night' in Cromer on Saturday 29th July when it visits the St Peter & St Paul Parish Church in the town centre.

In an evening of male choral song, Phoenix’s Singing Men will offer an easy-going mix of items from their early days, some you were perhaps hoping they might sing, several new to their repertoire and, of course, a sprinkling of their own choral standards.

Along with the customary solo contributions from within its own singing ranks and solo pieces from its accompanist at the piano and organ, the Choir is led as usual by long-standing Musical Director Sarah Grimes and Jason Lambert is the Choir Accompanist. With refreshments on hand during the interval, the Choir promises an enjoyable and friendly evening of male voice choral song and music.

The Choir is supporting as its 2023 Charity of the Year the work in Norfolk of Musical Keys (CIO 1151915) and has arranged a charity raffle and a retiring bucket collection at the concert, all proceeds of which will be donated to this cause.
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