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Requiem and the Sorrowful Mother

venue addressSt. Paul’s Church, Church Street St. Paul’s, Canterbury, Kent CT1 1NH
event dateSaturday 29 March
event times3.00 p.m.
Free entry: retiring collection
telephone 01227 454 503 for latest times or cancellations.
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Requiem and the Sorrowful Mother

Concert by The Canterbury Singers, directed by Jamie Rogers, with a team of fine local vocal soloists and Robin Walker (organ).
Programme features one of the best loved settings (and probably the first to use its composers selection of texts from, rather than the complete Latin mass) of the Requiem, that by Gabriel Fauré; also (in recognition of the season of Lent) Pergolesi's setting of Stabat Mater, originally for female voices and orchestra, here given in Desmond Ratcliffe's arrangement for mixed voices.