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Wind in the Willows

venue addressBell House, 27 College Road, Dulwich, London SE21 7BG
event dateSat 8 Jul to Sunday 16 Jul 2023
event times8th & 9th July and 15th & 16th July 2023 at 2pm and 5pm

Tickets available via Ticketsource (fee payable): www.ticketsource.co.uk/dulwichplayers

Adult: £14
18 years and under: £10
5 years and under: free
Organised by The Dulwich Players
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Wind in the Willows

The Wind in the Willows
By Kenneth Grahame adapted for the stage by Mike Kenny

in the gardens of Bell House, 27 College Road, Dulwich, SE21 7BG

Directed by Gill Daly and Hayley Blundell
Music by Paul Grimwood

This tale of friendship between a handful of animals – Toad, Ratty, Mole and Badger – will warm the heart. Toad becomes the subject of a friendship intervention as his need for the latest gadgets and trends almost lead him to ruin. A true tale that surpasses time – we learn from these animals to laugh and sing together and to embrace each other’s differences and how to remove squatters when your home’s invaded by a group of cheeky Weasels. What more can you ask for on a sunny (but not too hot) July afternoon.

An amateur production by arrangement with Nick Hern Books
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