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Finding your Balance: nurturing self and others (Bath, UK)

venue addressUniversity of Bath Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AY Somerset SW11 3JZ
event dateSaturday 22 Jul 2023 and Sunday 23 Jul 2023
event timesRAD Member fee per session: £77 / €85 / $92

Non-Member fee per session: £92 / €101 / $110
telephone 020 7326 8000 for latest times or cancellations.
Organised by Royal Academy of Dance
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About this Event

Finding your Balance: nurturing self and others (Bath, UK)

Finding your Balance: nurturing self and others takes place from 22–23 July at the University of Bath. The programme includes a range of professional development activities focusing on refining your leadership skills, and developing your knowledge of nurturing wellbeing in yourself, and in children and young people.

The Edge at the University of Bath is located a short journey from the Bath Spa train station, and parking is available on-site. Refreshments are included for all sessions allowing for networking opportunities with fellow teachers.

Topics include:

Pilates principles for mind and body
Emotion coaching
Leadership skills
Coaching dance and the dancer
Somatic Experiencing® and awareness-based movement from the Feldenkrais Method®
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