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Elsdon Fete, Northumberland, August Bank Holiday Monday 12-4pm

Elsdon Fete is a traditional fun day out in a pretty village in Northumberland National Park on August Bank Holiday Monday 26th August 2024. There's something for everyone: there'll be a fun dog show, children's activities, live music, BBQ on the village green, tea & cakes in the village hall, local crafts, Battle of Otterburn wargame, vintage tractors, and opportunities to show your skills at traditional sports such as archery, hoopla and the coconut shy.
The fete, which originally dates back to a Royal Charter granted in 1281, showcases the history and traditions of this beautiful rural area. It takes place on Elsdon’s huge village green and in its historic church, St Cuthbert’s, the Mother Church of Redesdale.
All proceeds go to community projects.
Free Entry and Free Parking.
Raffle Fete Draw £1 per ticket.
The Fete starts at 12 noon and finishes at 4pm.
Village Green, Elsdon, Northumberland National Park NE19 1AA
Mon 26 August
Contact telephone: - Call to check latest times or cancellations.