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Colchester Castle Paranormal Event / Ghost Hunts In Essex

venue addressColchester Castle, colchester, Essex.
event dateFriday 8 Sep 2023
event timeswww.eventbrite.ie/e/676603829267?aff=oddtdtcreator
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Colchester Castle Paranormal Event / Ghost Hunts In Essex

Adult only Event - O17. There will be limited spaces so do not wait to get booked in otherwise you will miss out on this opportunity to delve into this historical place.
This is not a Ghost Hunt where you are lead around with machines and actors and actresses screaming. This is a Paranormal Investigation where YOU are part of a team! This is REAL not pretend.
YOU will guide the investigation and communicate with past life! YOU will become a historian and delve in to the darkest secrets of this Castle! You will communicate with past life and you will have conversations on touch experience.
Events do not need to be through the night, my team will show you that times do not matter for paranormal investigations.
Colchester Castle is apparently one of the most haunted castles in the England. Built upon the foundations of the ancient Roman Temple of Claudius this Castle has floors of history which we as teams will have full access to investigate. This Castle has links with the Witchfinder General and the tragic women who perished here through execution, labelled as witches.
With at least One Medium per group who is insured by my brand we will use our gifts to communicate and research. Many hauntings have occurred here and staff have witnessed so many strange occurrences. So let’s find out who and why they remain! With such a historic presence and so many years of history this location will not fail to impress or prove paranormal activity.
As investigators you will have access to Colchester Castle levels under ground, 1 and 2 and other rooms within the castle that the public do not access such as the tunnels below. You will be supplied tools and equipment that you hold for the event. You are also given free time to go around the museum. Debrief of all the groups coming together at the end to discuss our findings.
Staff that work here have encountered strange occurrences and seen things that have frankly terrified them.
This is a Past Event and has been archived.

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