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FiddleBop at Brecon Jazz 2023

venue addressBulwark Stage, Brecon Jazz Festival, Brecon, Powys LD3 7AD
event dateSaturday 12 Aug 2023
event times4-5 pm on Saturday 12 August 2023, at the Bulwark Stage, Brecon. Free admission!
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FiddleBop at Brecon Jazz 2023

FiddleBop plays Gypsy jazz, re-imagined for the 2020s with violin, Spanish guitar, keyboard, and fretless bass. We sing too, with four voices in harmony.
And, like the first Gypsy jazz bands, FiddleBop’s ‘Gypsy jazz: re-imagined’ is highly eclectic. In the 1930s, the Quintette du Hot Club de France created amazing music based on current and past pop tunes, traditional Gypsy melodies, their own compositions, even some J S Bach. FiddleBop’s repertoire is similarly wide-ranging. Expect Gypsy-flavoured jazz drawn from all of jazz’s century-long history. That’s get-up-and-dance jazz from the 1920s, 1930s chilli-hot swing, and cool post-bop. Plus jazz-flavoured classic pop, folk-jazz, and the band’s own creations. All played and sung with Gypsy zing and passion!
Jo Davies plays Spanish guitar and sings. She’s the rhythmic foundation of FiddleBop. Dave Favis-Mortlock is on violin and vocals, Paul Stevens is FiddleBop’s keyboard whiz: rhythmic, blues-soaked, and soulful, and Graeme Lamble is FiddleBop’s fretless bassist extraordinaire.
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