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SBADS Open Day - peep behind the curtains of South Brent's drama group

venue addressSouth Brent Village Hall Station Approach South Brent Devon TQ10 9JL
event dateSunday 3 Sep 2023
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SBADS Open Day - peep behind the curtains of South Brent's drama group

We warmly invite everyone to meet the South Brent Amateur Dramatic Society team and have a look behind the scenes of our local drama group. If you’ve ever thought about getting involved in drama, on stage or behind the scenes, come along to find out more!

The SBADS team will be at the village hall to show you a rare glimpse behind the scenes, from the lighting room up in the roof to the passages under the stage that let our actors move about unseen by the audience. Our vast collection of costumes will be opened up, with a chance to try some of them on and try out wigs and make-up. Find out how we change the scenery, browse through our archives, tuck in to free refreshments, listen to some play readings and – if you fancy it – have a go yourself.

Our team will be delighted to talk to you about the society, and answer any questions you may have about am-dram in South Brent. If you’ve ever even half-wondered if you might like to try a bit of acting, or making scenery, or lighting a stage, or you have sewing skills that are itching for a new outlet, come along with no obligation and see what SBADS has to offer. We hope to see you there!
This is a Past Event and has been archived.

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