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Chipperfield Choral Society

If you enjoy singing and would like a taster session with a choir come along to one of our rehearsals to meet our members and Musical Director Sheila Cornall. No presssure, you will be made welcome, you can just sit and listen to start with if you prefer. We are a friendly and sociable group of around 70 mixed voices (alto, soprano, bass, tenor) who come from Chipperfield and other areas in Herts. Relax, there are no auditions! The ability to read music is welcome but not essential. We enjoy performing three concerts annually, Spring, Summer and at Christmas, and a wide ranging repertoire which might include Mozart or songs from Musicals! See our website www.chipperfieldchoral.co.uk
event dateThu 3 Apr, Thu 24 Apr, Thu 1 May, Thu 8 May, Thu 15 May, Thu 22 May
venue addressChipperfield Village Hall Hertfordshire WD4 9BS
event timesWe rehearse at Chipperfield Village Hall on Thursday evenings at 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start. Our next Concert is on 21st June See our website for information
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