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Reading Latin Literature

venue addressShrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery The Square Shrewsbury Shropshire SY1 1LH
event dateTue 7 Nov to Tuesday 5 Dec 2023
event timesTuesday 19th September - Tuesday 5th December
10.15am -11.30am
£85 for 10 classes

(No class 3 Oct and 24 Oct)
telephone 01743 258885 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Reading Latin Literature

Translate, revise grammar and discuss the content of the text and style of the author as a group with experienced tutor Margaret Thorpe.

This class is suitable for anyone who has studied Latin for two or three years and who would enjoy working with an enthusiastic group.

No class 3 Oct and 24 Oct

Please enquire at the front desk at Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery.
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