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Fugue and Groove Trio - Live!

venue addressBolehall Manor, Amington Road, Tamworth, Staffordshire B77 3LH
event dateMonday 11 Sep 2023
event timesDoors open at 7.20pm for an 8.00pm start. Finish around 10.15pm. No booking necessary.

£12.00 on the door (cash only please).
telephone 01827715643 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Fugue and Groove Trio - Live!


‘Firstly, take a selection of hits from the classical repertoire, from the beautifully evocative Meditation by Massenet to the fast and furious Solfeggio by Bach.
Add the spice – impressive improvisation and creative arrangements. Mix in a generous helping of swinging jazz and funky / latin styling.

Enjoy listening to the seasoned, dynamic and dexterous experts - Rich Hughes (piano), Simon Smith (bass) and Steve Street (drums) as they deftly chef up all the ingredients to create a unique and exiting fusion of classical and jazz in a wonderful and entertaining presentation.’
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