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Circus CORTEX at Herts Showground (Ukrainian Artistes)

venue addressThe Showground, Dunstable Road, Redbourn Hertfordshire AL3 7PT
event dateThu 21 Sep to Monday 25 Sep 2023
event timesOPENING DAY Thurs 21st ALL SEATS £10


Thu 21st - 5pm & 7.30pm
Fri 22nd - 5pm & 7.30pm
Sat 23rd - 1pm, 4pm & 7pm
Sun 24th - 1pm 4pm
Mon 25th - 5pm
telephone 02038160295 for latest times or cancellations.
Organised by Circus Cortex
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About this Event

Circus CORTEX at Herts Showground (Ukrainian Artistes)

Circus CORTEX at Herts Showground (Ukrainian Artistes)

Thurs 21st to Mon 25th Sept

Come along and witness for yourself the magic of the 'Masquerade' and help support our Ukrainian artistes.

From the production team behind the spectacular Glory and Warriors - Circus Cortex are delighted to announce A brand new and exciting extravaganza –


Behind every mask is a face and behind every face is a story. Join us this summer and allow us to include you in that story... Guaranteed to entertain and leave you wanting more.

The Stage

Cambs Times

A Truly Inspirational Experience!!
Bring your friends, bring your family, but most importantly bring your true quirky self.
Dress to impress and use a mask if you wish, for this is a Masquerade Circus that you won't want to miss.

Exceptional Family entertainment:
Suitable for all ages.

For more tickets and information visit our main site here - www.circuscortex.com

Email - info@circuscortex.com
Box Office - 02038160295
Website - www.circuscortex.com
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