About this Event
Kirsten Honey - Bodmin Jail Hauntings
It's time to branch out into other areas of the paranormal this month for Halloween at Birmingham UFO Group!
Kirsten Honey is the Paranormal Manager of Bodmin Jail. She will talk about the hauntings of the jail, the very many different types of spirits and energies she has come across there, and some of her own experiences there over the last eight years. She will also share her opinion and the understanding of these souls that roam the building. She'll discuss some of the life changing experiences people have had during their connection with her at Bodmin, and about her very own unique way of talking to spiritual energy in settings such as these.
On the UFO side, BUFOG's Chairman Dave Hodrien will provide the usual mix of updates and news, and there will be a specially themed paranormal raffle to join in with!