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Adult Beginner's Ballroom Dance Class

venue addressRamsden Bellhouse Village Hall, Church Road, Ramsden Bellhouce, Billericay, Essex CM11 1RH
event dateThu 5 Oct to Thursday 30 Nov 2023
event times7.15pm - 8pm. £5.00 per person.
telephone 01277228823 or 07934974185 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Adult Beginner's Ballroom Dance Class

Do you want to learn Ballroom Dancing?

Brand new adult beginner's Ballroom and Latin American dance classes starting this Thursday, 5th October 2023.
Your chance to learn Waltz, Quickstep, Foxtrot, Tango, Rumba, Samba, Jive and Cha Cha Cha, all in time for the party season.
Fully qualified IDTA instructor with over 30 years of dance teaching experience.
Couples and singles welcome.
R over 30 years of dance teaching experience.
Couples and singles welcome.
Ramsden Bellhouse Village Hall, Church Road, Ramsden Bellhouse, Billericay CM11 1RH.
So why not come along and learn to dance in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
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