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Jolly Jesters Trail at Shrewsbury Castle

venue addressCastle Street Shrewsbury Shropshire SY1 2AT
event dateSat 28 Oct to Saturday 4 Nov 2023
event times10:30am - 4pm
Trail Cards are £1.50 each
Please pick up your trail card in the Castle Shop.
telephone 01743 258885 for latest times or cancellations.
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Jolly Jesters Trail at Shrewsbury Castle

Come to Shrewsbury Castle Grounds this Half Term and see if you can find the Jolly Jesters hiding around the gardens. You can purchase your trail cards from the Castle shop when you arrive and have fun copying the poses as you find each Jester! Fill in the matching activity on the back of the card and when you've found them all, pop back into the Castle shop to claim your reward.

Trail Cards are £1.50 each

Please note the castle is closed on Sunday 29th October, Thursday 4th & Sunday 5th November.
This is a Past Event and has been archived.

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