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The Arts Society Ashdown Forest

venue addressCrowborough Community Centre Pine Grove Crowborough East Sussex TN6 1FE
event dateThursday 14 Dec 2023
event times2pm. Members of the Society free, visitors £7.
telephone 01892864643 for latest times or cancellations.
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The Arts Society Ashdown Forest

‘Searching for Shakespeare’ – a lecture by Jane Tapley.
After more than 400 years William Shakespeare remains the most admired playwright and the most famous Englishman in the world. In this talk, we explore his life, the influences on him of the Elizabethan age and how his work had an impact on the global stage. We learn what the first open-air theatres were like, the popularity of his plays with contemporary audiences, how his plays survived and who it was who saved them.
Jane Tapley is currently Special Events Organiser at the Theatre Royal Bath. She lectures regularly to theatre going societies, the National Trust and history, literary and fine arts societies and is a researcher and consultant in the world of theatre and TV productions.
All welcome. Refreshments follow the lecture.
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